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claire souter
1994 cont
red cherriesoil painting on paper 25x70cm | honey potoil painting on paper 25x25cm |
hopephotocopy transfer and oil paint on paper 61x86cm | you too can give meaning to your heartphotocopy transfer and oil paint on paper 43x61cm |
you too can put feeling in your heartphotocopy transfer and oil paint on paper 43x61cmcm | you too can find beauty in your heartphotocopy transfer and oil paint on paper 43x61cm SOLD |
you too can see a pattern in your lifephotocopy transfer and oil paint on paper 43x61cm | you too can put feeling in your artphotocopy transfer and oil paint on paper 61x43cm |
you too can give meaning to your lifephotocopy transfer and oil paint on paper 61x86cm | gypsy rhymephotocopy transfer and oil paint on paper 61x43cm |
solacephotocopy transfer and oil paint on paper 61x86cm | hope despairphotocopy transfer and oil paint on paper 86x61cm |
panicphotocopy transfer and oil paint on paper 61x86cm | possessionsphotocopy transfer and oil paint on paper 61x86cm |
obsessionsphotocopy transfer and oil paint on paper 61x86cm | stealthphotocopy transfer and oil paint on paper 61x86cm |
denialphotocopy transfer and oil paint on paper 61x86cm | Narcissusphotocopy transfer and oil paint on paper 61x86cm |
Bacchusphotocopy transfer and oil paint on paper 61x86cm | driftingphotocopy transfer and oil paint on paper 61x86cm |
beliefphotocopy transfer and oil paint on paper 61x86cm | doubtphotocopy transfer and oil paint on paper 61x86cm |
Renaissance manphotocopy transfer and oil paint on paper 61x86cm | women hold up half the skyphotocopy transfer and oil paint on paper 61x86cm |
lucky dipphotocopy transfer and oil paint on paper 61x86cm | lucky dip 2photocopy transfer and oil paint on paper 61x86cm |
lucky dip 3photocopy transfer and oil paint on paper 86x61cm | virus powerphotocopy transfer with drawing and oil paint on paper 86x61cm |
nest of pearsphotocopy transfer with drawing and oil paint on paper 61x86cm SOLD | Johnoil painting on paper 61x86cm SOLD |
ingrownphotocopy transfer and oil painting on paper 86x61cm | outgrownoil painting on paper 86x61cm |
loveoil painting on paper 86x61cm | red buttonsoil painting on paper 86x61cm |
nympholepsyoil painting on paper 86x61cm | nympholeptoil painting on paper 86x61cm |
dawn and duskoil painting on paper 61x86cm | golden mean 1oil painting on paper 61x86cm |
golden mean 2oil painting on paper 43x61cm | golden mean 3oil painting on paper 43x61cm |
out of synchphotocopy transfer and oil paint on paper 61x86cm | regretsphotocopy transfer and oil paint on paper 61x86cm |
nestphotocopy transfer and oil paint on paper 61x43cm | hand greenphotocopy transfer and oil paint on paper 61x43cm |
adherencephotocopy transfer and oil paint on paper 43x61cm | gold nestphotocopy transfer and oil paint on paper 61x43cm |
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